Getting Started¶
PyOptInterface is available on PyPI. You can install it via pip:
pip install pyoptinterface
After installation, you can import the package in Python console:
import pyoptinterface as poi
PyOptInterface has no dependencies other than Python itself. However, to use it with a specific optimizer, you need to install the corresponding optimizer manually. The details can be found on the configurations of optimizers.
In order to provide out-of-the-box support for open source optimizers (currently we support HiGHS), PyOptInterface can also be installed with pre-built optimizers. You can install them via pip:
pip install pyoptinterface[highs]
It will install a full-featured binary version of HiGHS optimizer via highsbox, which can be used with PyOptInterface.
In order to use nonlinear programming solvers (currently we only support IPOPT), you should install extra dependencies like:
pip install pyoptinterface[nlp]
It will install the llvmlite
and tccbox
package as the JIT compilers required by nonlinear programming.
We will introduce how to set up the optimizers to use with PyOptInterface in this page.
Setup of optimizers¶
PyOptInterface uses the Dynamic Loading
technique to load the dynamic library of optimizers at runtime, so the optimizer it uses can be changed manually without recompiling the code.
The set up of optimizers includes two approaches:
Automatic detection of the installation directory of the optimizers.
Manually specifying the path of the dynamic library of optimizer.
We will introduce the automatic detection and manual configuration in details
Automatic detection of the installation directory of the optimizers¶
The automatic detection includes three steps:
Environment variable set by the installer of optimizer
The official Python binding of the optimizer (if available)
Search directly in the system loadable path (e.g.
on Linux or PATH on Windows)
For the 3rd step, we want to explain more for novices.
For example, in order to make the dynamic library of HiGHS highs.dll
loadable, we need to put it in a loadable path recognized by the operating system. The typical loadable path on Linux is /usr/lib
, /usr/local/lib
, and the typical loadable path on Windows is PATH
On Linux, we use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable to specify the dynamic library path. On macOS, we use the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable to specify the dynamic library path.
If the dynamic library is in path C:\highs\lib
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\highs\lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/highs/lib
The typical paths where the dynamic library of optimizers are located are as follows:
Optimizer |
Windows |
Linux |
macOS(ARM) |
macOS(Intel) |
Gurobi |
Mosek |
The currently supported version is 11.0.x and 12.0.0. Other versions may work but are not tested.
For Gurobi, the automatic detection looks for the following things in order:
The environment variable
set by the installer of GurobiThe installation of
in the system loadable path
The currently supported version is 7.2.x. Other versions may work but are not tested.
For COPT, the automatic detection looks for the following things in order:
The environment variable
set by the installer of COPTcopt.dll
in the system loadable path
The currently supported version is 10.2.x. Other versions may work but are not tested.
For Mosek, the automatic detection looks for the following things in order:
The environment variable
set by the installer of MosekThe installation of
PyPI packagemosek64_10_2.dll
in the system loadable path
The currently supported version is 1.8.x. Other versions may work but are not tested.
For HiGHS, the automatic detection looks for the following things in order:
The environment variable
set by the userThe installation of
PyPI package (recommended)highs.dll
in the system
For HiGHS, we recommend installing the highsbox
PyPI package, which provides a full-featured binary version of HiGHS optimizer for you.
The currently supported version is 3.14.x. Other versions may work but are not tested.
For Ipopt, the automatic detection looks for the following things in order:
in the system, we also look foripopt-3.dll
on Windows.
We recommend using the official binary from GitHub if you work on Windows, since compiling Ipopt on Windows from source is not an easy task.
Manually specifying the path of the dynamic library of optimizer¶
If the automatic detection fails or you want to use the optimizer in a customized location, you can manually specify the path of the dynamic library of the optimizer.
We take HiGHS as an example. Whether the optimizer has been successfully loaded can be checked via the following code:
from pyoptinterface import highs
If the optimizer has not been successfully loaded, you can manually specify the path of the dynamic library of the optimizer via the following code:
ret = highs.load_library("path/to/")
print(f"Loading from custom path manually: {ret}")
The load_library
function returns True
if the library is successfully loaded, otherwise it returns False
If you want to revert to use the automatic detection, you can call the autoload_library
ret = highs.autoload_library()
print(f"Loading from automatically detected location: {ret}")
For other optimizers, just replace highs
with the corresponding optimizer name like gurobi
, copt
, mosek
The typical paths where the dynamic library of optimizers are located are as follows:
Optimizer |
Windows |
Linux |
macOS(ARM) |
macOS(Intel) |
Gurobi |
Mosek |
Let’s build a simple model and solve it¶
After setting up the optimizers, we can build a simple model and solve it. As the first step, we will solve the following simple Quadratic Programming (QP) problem:
First, we need to create a model object:
import pyoptinterface as poi
from pyoptinterface import highs
# from pyoptinterface import copt, gurobi, mosek (if you want to use other optimizers)
model = highs.Model()
Then, we need to add variables to the model:
x1 = model.add_variable(lb=0, name="x1")
x2 = model.add_variable(lb=0, name="x2")
Running HiGHS 1.9.0 (git hash: 66f735e): Copyright (c) 2024 HiGHS under MIT licence terms
The lb
argument specifies the lower bound of the variable. It is optional and defaults to \(-\infty\).
The name
argument is optional and can be used to specify the name of the variable.
Then, we need to add constraints to the model:
con = model.add_linear_constraint(x1+x2, poi.ConstraintSense.Equal, 1, name="con")
adds a linear constraint to the model.
The first argument
is the left-hand side of the constraint.The second argument is the sense of the constraint. It can be
which can also be written aspoi.Eq
, andpoi.Geq
.The third argument is the right-hand side of the constraint. It must be a constant.
The fourth argument is optional and can be used to specify the name of the constraint.
Finally, we need to set the objective function and solve the model:
obj = x1*x1 + 2*x2*x2
model.set_objective(obj, poi.ObjectiveSense.Minimize)
The model can be solved via:
Coefficient ranges:
Matrix [1e+00, 1e+00]
Cost [0e+00, 0e+00]
Bound [0e+00, 0e+00]
RHS [1e+00, 1e+00]
Iteration Objective NullspaceDim
0 2.0000001 0 0.00s
2 0.66666669 1 0.00s
Model status : Optimal
QP ASM iterations: 2
Objective value : 6.6666666667e-01
HiGHS run time : 0.00
The HiGHS optimizer will be invoked to solve the model and writes the log to the console.
We can query the status of the model via:
<TerminationStatusCode.OPTIMAL: 2>
The solution of the model can be queried via:
print("x1 = ", model.get_value(x1))
print("x2 = ", model.get_value(x2))
print("obj = ", model.get_value(obj))
x1 = 0.6666666611111114
x2 = 0.3333333388888886
obj = 0.6666666666666667