Common Model Interface¶
Generally speaking, the following APIs are common to all optimizers except for adding constraint because different optimizers may support different types of constraints.
Get/set model attributes¶
- model.set_model_attribute(attr, value)¶
set the value of a model attribute
- Parameters:
attr (pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute) – the attribute to set
value – the value to set
- model.get_model_attribute(attr)¶
get the value of a model attribute
- Parameters:
attr (pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute) – the attribute to get
- Returns:
the value of the attribute
Add a variable to the model¶
- model.add_variable([lb=-inf, ub=+inf, domain=pyoptinterface.VariableDomain.Continuous, name=""])¶
add a variable to the model
- Parameters:
lb (float) – the lower bound of the variable, optional, defaults to \(-\infty\)
ub (float) – the upper bound of the variable, optional, defaults to \(+\infty\)
domain (pyoptinterface.VariableDomain) – the domain of the variable, optional, defaults to continuous
name (str) – the name of the variable, optional
- Returns:
the handle of the variable
Add multidimensional variables to the model as pyoptinterface.tupledict
- model.add_variables(*coords[, lb=-inf, ub=+inf, domain=pyoptinterface.VariableDomain.Continuous, name=""])¶
add a multidimensional variable to the model
- Parameters:
coords – the coordinates of the variable, can be a list of Iterables
lb (float) – the lower bound of the variable, optional, defaults to \(-\infty\)
ub (float) – the upper bound of the variable, optional, defaults to \(+\infty\)
domain (pyoptinterface.VariableDomain) – the domain of the variable, optional, defaults to continuous
name (str) – the name of the variable, optional
- Returns:
the multi-dimensional variable
- Return type:
Add multidimensional variables to the model as numpy.ndarray
- model.add_m_variables(shape[, lb=-inf, ub=+inf, domain=pyoptinterface.VariableDomain.Continuous, name=""])¶
add a multidimensional variable to the model as
- Parameters:
shape – the shape of the variable, can be a tuple of integers or an integer
lb (float) – the lower bound of the variable, optional, defaults to \(-\infty\)
ub (float) – the upper bound of the variable, optional, defaults to \(+\infty\)
domain (pyoptinterface.VariableDomain) – the domain of the variable, optional, defaults to continuous
name (str) – the name of the variable, optional
- Returns:
the multidimensional variable
- Return type:
Get/set variable attributes¶
- model.set_variable_attribute(var, attr, value)¶
set the value of a variable attribute
- Parameters:
var – the handle of the variable
attr (pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute) – the attribute to set
value – the value to set
- model.get_variable_attribute(var, attr)¶
get the value of a variable attribute
- Parameters:
var – the handle of the variable
attr (pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute) – the attribute to get
- Returns:
the value of the attribute
Delete variable¶
- model.delete_variable(var)¶
delete a variable from the model
- Parameters:
var – the handle of the variable
- model.is_variable_active(var)¶
query whether a variable is active
- Parameters:
var – the handle of the variable
- Returns:
whether the variable is active
- Return type:
Modify the bounds of variable¶
- model.set_variable_bounds(var, lb, ub)¶
set the lower and upper bounds of a variable
- Parameters:
var – the handle of the variable
lb (float) – the new lower bound value
ub (float) – the new upper bound value
Get the value of an expression (including variable)¶
- model.get_value(expr_or_var)¶
get the value of an expression or a variable after optimization
- Parameters:
expr_or_var – the handle of the expression or the variable
- Returns:
the value of the expression or the variable
- Return type:
Pretty print expression (including variable)¶
- model.pprint(expr_or_var)¶
pretty print an expression in a human-readable format
- Parameters:
expr_or_var – the handle of the expression or the variable
- Returns:
the human-readable format of the expression
- Return type:
Add a constraint to the model¶
Add linear constraints as matrix form to the model¶
- model.add_m_linear_constraints(A, vars, sense, b[, name=""])¶
add linear constraints as matrix form to the model \(Ax \le b\) or \(Ax = b\) or \(Ax \ge b\)
- Parameters:
A – the matrix of coefficients, can be a dense
or a sparse matrixscipy.sparse.sparray
vars – the variables in the constraints, can be a list or a 1-d
returned byadd_m_variables
sense (pyoptinterface.ConstraintSense) – the sense of the constraints
b – the right-hand side of the constraints, should be a 1-d
name (str) – the name of the constraints, optional
- Returns:
the handles of linear constraints
- Return type:
Get/set constraint attributes¶
- model.set_constraint_attribute(con, attr, value)¶
set the value of a constraint attribute
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
attr (pyoptinterface.ConstraintAttribute) – the attribute to set
value – the value to set
- model.get_constraint_attribute(con, attr)¶
get the value of a constraint attribute
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
attr (pyoptinterface.ConstraintAttribute) – the attribute to get
- Returns:
the value of the attribute
Delete constraint¶
- model.delete_constraint(con)¶
delete a constraint from the model
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
- model.is_constraint_active(con)¶
query whether a constraint is active
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
- Returns:
whether the variable is active
- Return type:
Modify constraint¶
- model.set_normalized_rhs(con, value)¶
set the right-hand side of a normalized constraint
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
value – the new right-hand side value
- model.get_normalized_rhs(con)¶
get the right-hand side of a normalized constraint
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
- Returns:
the right-hand side value
- model.set_normalized_coefficient(con, var, value)¶
set the coefficient of a variable in a normalized constraint
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
var – the handle of the variable
value – the new coefficient value
- model.get_normalized_coefficient(con, var)¶
get the coefficient of a variable in a normalized constraint
- Parameters:
con – the handle of the constraint
var – the handle of the variable
- Returns:
the coefficient value
Set the objective function¶
- model.set_objective(expr[, sense=pyoptinterface.ObjectiveSense.Minimize])¶
set the objective function of the model
- Parameters:
expr – the handle of the expression
sense (pyoptinterface.ObjectiveSense) – the sense of the objective function (Minimize/Maximize), defaults to Minimize
Modify the linear part of the objective function¶
- model.set_objective_coefficient(var, value)¶
modify the coefficient of a variable in the linear part of the objective function
- Parameters:
var – the handle of the variable
value (float) – the new coefficient value
- model.get_objective_coefficient(var)¶
get the coefficient of a variable in the linear part of the objective function
- Parameters:
var – the handle of the variable
- Returns:
the coefficient value