Frequently Asked Questions¶
How to suppress the output of the optimizer?¶
There are two kinds of output that you may want to suppress:
The log of optimization process.
The default license message printed when initializing the optimizer. For example, when using Gurobi, the message is
Academic license - for non-commercial use only - expires yyyy-mm-dd
Normally we only want to suppress the log of optimization process, you can use model.set_model_attribute(poi.ModelAttribute.Silent, True)
to disable the output. For example:
import pyoptinterface as poi
from pyoptinterface import gurobi
model = gurobi.Model()
model.set_model_attribute(poi.ModelAttribute.Silent, True)
Suppressing the default license message is a bit tricky and solver-specific. For Gurobi, you can use the following code:
import pyoptinterface as poi
from pyoptinterface import gurobi
env = gurobi.Env(empty=True)
env.set_raw_parameter("OutputFlag", 0)
model = gurobi.Model(env)
How to add linear constraints in matrix form like \(Ax \leq b\)?¶
In YALMIP, you can use the matrix form \(Ax \leq b\) to add linear constraints, which is quite convenient.
In PyOptInterface, you can use the following code to add linear constraints in matrix form:
import pyoptinterface as poi
from pyoptinterface import gurobi
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_array, sparray, eye_array
def iterate_sparse_matrix_rows(A):
Iterate over rows of a sparse matrix and get non-zero elements for each row.
A is a 2-dimensional scipy sparse matrix
isinstance(A, scipy.sparse.sparray) = True and A.ndim = 2
if not isinstance(A, csr_array):
A = csr_array(A) # Convert to CSR format if not already
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
row_start = A.indptr[i]
row_end = A.indptr[i + 1]
row_indices = A.indices[row_start:row_end]
row_data =[row_start:row_end]
yield row_indices, row_data
def add_matrix_constraints(model, A, x, sense, b):
add constraints Ax <= / = / >= b
A is a 2-dimensional numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
x is an iterable of variables
sense is one of (poi.Leq, poi.Eq, poi.Geq)
b is an iterable of values or a single scalar
is_ndarray = isinstance(A, np.ndarray)
is_sparse = isinstance(A, sparray)
if not is_ndarray and not is_sparse:
raise ValueError("A must be a numpy array or scipy.sparse array")
ndim = A.ndim
if ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("A must be a 2-dimensional array")
M, N = A.shape
# turn x into a list if x is an iterable
if isinstance(x, poi.tupledict):
x = x.values()
x = list(x)
if len(x) != N:
raise ValueError("x must have length equal to the number of columns of A")
# check b
if np.isscalar(b):
b = np.full(M, b)
elif len(b) != M:
raise ValueError("b must have length equal to the number of rows of A")
constraints = []
if is_ndarray:
for i in range(M):
expr = poi.ScalarAffineFunction()
row = A[i]
for coef, var in zip(row, x):
expr.add_term(var, coef)
con = model.add_linear_constraint(expr, sense, b[i])
elif is_sparse:
for (row_indices, row_data), rhs in zip(iterate_sparse_matrix_rows(A), b):
expr = poi.ScalarAffineFunction()
for j, coef in zip(row_indices, row_data):
expr.add_term(x[j], coef)
con = model.add_linear_constraint(expr, sense, rhs)
return constraints
def main():
model = gurobi.Model()
N = 200
x = model.add_variables(range(N))
A = np.eye(N)
ub = 3.0
lb = 1.0
A_sparse = eye_array(N)
add_matrix_constraints(model, A, x, poi.Leq, ub)
add_matrix_constraints(model, A_sparse, x, poi.Geq, lb)
obj = poi.quicksum(x)
obj_value = model.get_model_attribute(poi.ModelAttribute.ObjectiveValue)
print("Objective value: ", obj_value)
if __name__ == "__main__":